Live Like Someone Left the Gate Open.

Functional & Integrative Health Care to get you back to the joy of living.

Tired of countless visits without answers or solutions to your problems?

  • Mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, lack of desire…. How much longer will this torture last?

  • Where is the mom, wife, friend that you used to be? Will she ever come back??

  • You know it’s not “Just Age” and that ageing doesn’t have to be this hard.

  • You know that the answer is not another prescription with a laundry list of side effects.

  • You are so tired of hearing “But you look FINE.”

  • You know something is wrong, why don’t they?

    We Can Help! There is a different way!

  • Functional Medicine is different. We look for the root cause and correct it to restore balance instead of throwing band-aid prescriptions at you.

  • We focus on adjustments in lifestyle, diet, supplements, prescriptions (when needed), and other therapies with you taking an active roll in your healing plan!

  • Say goodbye to these ongoing symptoms and hello to your old, vibrant self!

  • Yes, you CAN sleep at night, want to be intimate with your spouse, not fight with your kids and have energy for all the things that comes with being a wife, mother, friend and active member of society.

  • There is also a way to kick those sugar cravings to the curb!! We have all felt the guilt of hiding in closet for bathroom gorging on whatever snack of choice we have at the moment. These do NOT have to control you!

Our three step approach will help you regain your sense of vitality.

Identify the Imbalance

During the discovery phase, we conduct a thorough analysis of your overall health from head to toe, along with specialized laboratory testing. We meticulously explore biochemical patterns and environmental factors to uncover any potential threats to your well-being, leaving no aspect of your health unexamined.

Discover the Cause

Through personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs, we aim to alleviate symptoms, promote tissue repair, and restore optimal function. Our integrative approach combines evidence-based interventions, including nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle modifications, and targeted therapies, to expedite the healing journey

Replace, Restore, and Renew

Being healthy involves resilience and the capacity to cope with life's challenges. The thriving stage of treatment is when you acquire the skills to sustain well-being amidst the demands of family, work, and other life commitments. When you feel internally balanced, you can engage with life more energetically, vibrantly, and compassionately.

Interested gaining the tools and knowledge to make life long improvements to your health?

Our comprehensive programs give you not only medical guidance and coaching but teach YOU lifelong skills in order for you to maintain and improve your health long after our visits. Book your discovery call here to see how we can help!

Areas of Expertise

Sex Hormone Imbalance

Do you suffer from irregular periods, poor moods, hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, dryness, no libido? Your hormones could be imbalanced.

Thyroid Imbalance

Do you need a nap after lunch or can’t seem to get going in the afternoons? Is your hair falling out, especially around the outer edge of your eyebrows? Is your skin dry? Are you constipated? Are you gaining weight or trying to loose weight and can’t? Are you cold all the time or is it just your hands and feet? Has your doctor told you your TSH is fine, so there is nothing wrong with your thyroid? It very well could be a poorly functioning thyroid. Checking only TSH is not telling the whole story.

Gut Imbalances

Is food no longer enjoyable for you? Are you constantly bloated or is it just in the morning or after meals? Are you tired of excusing yourself from burping around meals. Are you having  regular bowel movements- 2 a day is ideal? Are you lucky to go every 3rd day? Or do you have the opposite with loose stools all of the time? Do you feel bad after eating certain foods? Do you have chronic allergies and or skin issues? Do you have an autoimmune condition? You could have leaky gut, a bacterial imbalance, bacterial overgrowth, parasites, inflammation, food sensitivities, or some or all of the above.

Lyme Disease & Co-Infections

Fatigue, brain fog, confusion, joint pain, muscle pain, stabbing pains, shortness of breath, night sweats, numbness and tingling, ringing in the ears, chest or rib pain, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, fevers, muscle pain, muscle twitches, anxiety, depression, and panic are all symptoms of vector borne diseases. When these appear in clusters, there is a high suspicion Lyme or co-infections. Over 75% of affected patients do not remember a bite and never got a bulls eye rash.


Night sweats, inability to find words, pain, confusion, fatigue, insomnia, cough, frequent sinus infections, numbness and tingling, sharp stabbing pains, anxiety, depression, headaches, frequent urination and thirst can all be caused by myotoxicity from mold exposure in water damaged buildings and food. 24% of the population is not able to naturally detoxify from these toxins and the buildup over time causes them to be sick. The vast majority of mold in homes is hidden.

Lyme / Co-infections, Mycotoxicy, PANS/PANDAS, CIRS

Due to the complexity and severity of these chronic inflammatory conditions, we will only be accepting a limited number of new patients at a time for these treatment programs. Please book a complimentary “Reclaim My Life” discovery call to discuss how we may best help you or your child.

What is Functional Medicine and Integrative Health?

Functional Medicine is a whole body systems approach to health. It is the partnership between patient and practitioner that focuses on the underlying cause of disease from a systems biology perspective, and is complementary to Integrative Healthcare which focuses on the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient and focuses on the whole person using therapeutic evidence based approaches. Both of these health care practices are backed by science and evidence.

Healing does not occur spontaneously, there is no magic pill or treatment that will “fix” everything. It requires a patient’s commitment to doing the work with changing habits and lifestyle modifications to all parts of the functional medicine wheel to affect lasting improvements in one’s health. The challenge is in swimming upstream in the world’s downstream current that caters to you to being sick, fat, stressed and depressed.

The great news is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and will not go through this alone. Our Reclaim Your Life / Journey to Health program will give you all the handholding, motivation and tools that you need. YOU just have to have the WANT TO and determination to do the work. We will help you with the rest!